Forum Discussion

PC_LILEDGE's avatar
4 years ago

For Guilds completing cRancor

What qualifies as kitchen sink in p4 for you to knock down Cranford? (Yes I call him that)

Should we be utilizing teams like padme, gucci palp, etc in earlier phases to knock down a larger %?

My guild just beat our record and got to 53% left in p4 today and im trying to strategize on how to maximize our damage output.

We currently try to stick to the following

P1 : Vader/Rey
P2 : SLKR/ Rey
P3 : JML / Rey /SLKR
P4 : everything else and leftover GL's

Looking forward to finally knocking this thing down!
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Rey in P4 can do ~8% or more

    I would suggest saving a bunch of Reys for P4
  • Kitchen sink means just that. I trot out CLS, Jedi, Vader, GG. Doesn't matter, just toss it out there.

    Personally i use Padme in P1, can get 4% with her.
  • P1 Use high damage SLKR team (KRU, Hux, Thrawn, Wat)
    P2 Padme teams
    P3 Left over SLKR teams (Old Daka, Zombie, plus Wat, Thrawn or Hux)
    P4 Use Rey, Clean up with CLS and GG teams.
  • Echoing the Rey is best for p4 sentiment.
    Some mash up of Rey/GAS/Hoda/Shaak/JKL/CAT is going to get at least 4%, if not 8-10%

    Solid p4 teams for kitchen sink

    CLS/Han/Chewie/chewpio/threepio= 0.5-1% each

    Palpatine/Malak 0.4-0.6% each (2 or 3 life drains at 0.2 each, if Wat is there to put tank tech on malak to clear healing immunity, almost guaranteed 0.6%)

    Separatist (usually GG) led Jango (2 turn healing immunity means Jango WILL get a rocket and a basic off, and GG gets a bonus turn each time a separatist dies 0.2-0.4% each

    50 each of those 3 teams will pretty much guarantee 65% or better of p4

    Sith Trooper gets a bonus turn and increased damage whenever a First Order or Sith dies, so throw him in with Palp/Malak or build a scrub FO team with Phasma and SLK prerequisites for another 0.1-0.2

    JTR/resistance Expose team is about 0.1

    Those are the teams that we used, and since they are predominantly made up of GL pre-requisites, a lot of players will have them.