Okay, come on, folks.
I started this thread and I feel there are legitimate complaints to be made, but I'm not arguing for the actual battles to be easier to win.
The idea that there should be "easy, normal, and hard" modes is silly when we have Hoth and Geonosis TBs.
The next-level TB doesn't need to be easy. It just needs to be accessible.
Please remember that the mode opens to guilds at 200Mgp. If it opened at 500Mgp, I might not even have a problem with the requirements that currently seem obscene.
My guild was more than 440Mgp the last I checked and I doubt we have 4 players who could attempt 2 missions in day 4. That's more than double the entrance GP requirement, and 50% of the TB is simply forbidden to 90% of the players.
We don't need easy. We just need access. I don't care if I get slaughtered. I care if I don't get to play the game. Not wanting to get slaughtered will be enough of a motivation. I don't need a hard gate.