"leef;c-1778524" wrote:
"Javick_Starage;c-1778501" wrote:
"Feefyefoefum;c-1778499" wrote:
GA is not a game mode tailored towards players with collector type rosters, it does aim much more towards those players who have been more focused on farming toons to get the legendaries (RJT, CLS, Revan, Thrawn, etc). and who focus on individual squads and toons. That is just simple fact and is probably unlikely to change
What people have done with their time and resources is reflected in their roster and their GP.
If people do wish to improve their chances in GA then they need to sit down and work out how many teams they need for their GP bracket, decide which teams they want to use, then decide which toons they want to use in those teams. Then focus on those toons.
If all those toons and teams are maxed or at least competitive, then the rest of the roster is kinda irrelevant. The sooner people start down this path, the sooner you will see results.
Just my opinion mind, as with all things YMMV
I take your point, but I disagree.
If the game had been clear about this from the start (you will be punished for farming wide) then fair enough.
However, many will have farmed wide rosters due to going after their favourites who are useless (mace windu et al).
Furthermore, I’d prefer my games to actually be competitive rather than just knowing I’m going to win or lose.
Saying the game hasn't been clear about this from the start is a bit disengenious imo. Sure, there has been some incentive to build a broad roster, but it has always paid off to have a focussed roster, especially for pvp.
Having alot of fluff / inflated GP isn't that big of an issue as long as you've also got the right teams to be competative. It's the collector type player that really suffers with the current matchmaking, but you can't really expect a collector type player to do well in competative game modes.
I think people are mostly using it as an excuse for not performing better in GA.
True enough but I think GA exacerbates the penalties for this.
For example in the past you could have invested very heavily in one team for arena and then started to go for a wider roster without much notice.
To put it another way it seems a bit daft that there’s now no reason to farm a lot of the characters that are in the stores. Actually, it’s better not to, you’ll be punished for it heavily in GA.
To make things worse it means you will be heavily punished for taking a gamble on a new meta. Droids and general grevious would be a great example
Or how about jango fett? At one point he was top of arena and could take down traya. That lasted about a week. Now, you’d be better off running a bossk lead without him in most cases.
It takes a long time to farm and gear characters in this game. Punishing players for this seems unfair. It will exacerbate pay to win.