Forum Discussion

djvisionfl's avatar
6 years ago

GAC Fake Contestants/Scores?

There's a more than 24 hour difference in these 2 pictures. Scoring is in real time and all except rank 1 has changed. Another round ended and there's a 1000 difference with my score since I won but didn't place yet.

  • Looking at the scores between the images, Obi Nick gained 4,212 banners between the first and last image. Mox Typhoon (the only player in all the images) gained 4,098 banners in that same time. Maybe the first guy collected a feat to improve his core by that amount, but unless you are saying they all have done it then the only issue is what time the points are recorded. If it is done at login then its easy to see a massive jump in players that do not log in multiple times a day due to commitment or real life issues. Brom Walker and Bus 74 yeah also gained a similar amount of banners in that time. Since I cannot see their starting banners as they were under 30K in the first image
  • "Bully;c-1933324" wrote:

    2nd and 3rd place change. His points have not changed since this round ended. You all keep saying what if this what if that? How about looking at these screenshots and using common sense. There’s obviously something going on with the scores that aren’t right and you defend it but change the drop rates and you cry that it’s not fair. I can see why the developers are so slow to make changes. It’s because they have to see who has valid points and who whining and crying wolf.

    Thats because the what ifs are common sense questions. Far more so than "cg placing fake scores"
    Sure theres something not right about 2k differences between 1&2. We're asking questions to figure out what that may be, its called deductive reasoning. It doesnt mean that player did anything wrong, it doesnt mean that player is a bot.
  • App-driven companies that rely on microtransactions whether they are mobile games or Tinder are notorious for using bots as part of their business model.

    It's not even a conspiracy theory or a ridiculous thing. It's very reasonable to ask whether CG is conforming to industry norms and deploying some form of bot or artificial interaction with automated components of the game that are designed to seem real.

    So, instead of trying to dismiss what would be a fair question even without evidence given that these are common industry practices for microtransaction businesses, why don't we focus on trying to get a clear answer about whether CG is an outlier that isn't using any kind of bot component in their business?
  • To put this to rest, this is the final score in div 3. Maybe it could fluctuate a few hundred if people are still completing minor feats but it's quite obvious Obi Nick either cheated or CG gave him an (essentially) free win with their terrible matchmaking (by which I mean he placed and fought more squads than any div 3 player). Either way this needs to be rectified and he likely doesn't deserve 1st in div 3.

  • It's really absurd to think that anybody in the top 50 hasn't completed every single feat. I missed one feat in Div 1 and I'm ranking in the 2000s in aurodium. The gap between the #1 and #2 player (and all down the line, within a few dozen points) cannot be explained by feats.

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