I just beat it twice but it was ridiculous. I have a full g11 BH team with zBossk lead, Boba, Dengar, Greedo and Zam, but I couldn't get her past half health. I tried swapping several out for g9 Cad Bane and still couldn't get it.
But then I tried Zam's omega lead (which had been a stupid waste of omega mats before this in a failed strategy for Chewie). All I needed to do was get all allies to survive until Nest with Dengar at high TM, which I had to restart a few times for, and have him apply a bunch of bombs. Nest killed everyone but Dengar, causing them all to apply bombs to her through Zam's lead. Boba revived and Nest killed him at her next turn. Dengar was in stealth so he didn't have to worry about being countered. At her 3rd turn, all the bombs blew up and she died. This happened both times, the exact same way. Nothing else I tried worked.
Of course, this does mean that I only got 1*. If you want 3*, I can't help you.