Forum Discussion

ichiha68's avatar
3 years ago

Galactic chase is a joke

Spent all the 50 and 100 refreshes every day and consistently get 0 or 1 shard from the 5 sims. The drop rate on these are way lower than they were for the 2 ships they just did and this boba isn't even that good. I'm done with it. To get 4 shards for 450 crystals of refresh is not worth it. Doesn't matter if it's bonus drops and nor galactic chase that's irrelevant the point is the drop rate is putrid. Not even close to the 4% we were told it is in the past
  • That’s because it’s not a galactic chase. It’s bonus drops, so it’s the same drop percentage per sim, not per energy spent. 1 shard for 5 sims on hard nodes isn’t out of the ordinary. You had bad RNG, sorry about your luck. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve had 2 omega shards for the past 20 sims.
  • SnuggeSnuggles's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "KausDebonair;c-2347937" wrote:
    That’s because it’s not a galactic chase. It’s bonus drops, so it’s the same drop percentage per sim, not per energy spent. 1 shard for 5 sims on hard nodes isn’t out of the ordinary. You had bad RNG, sorry about your luck. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve had 2 omega shards for the past 20 sims.

    That’s not entirely correct. It actually says it is scaled to energy used. But since it’s not a chase event we don’t know the actual percentage. It’s obviously not the chase “4”% and not the same drop rate as the Fennec Shand bonus drops that was extremely high.
  • I've recieve an average of 10 per day only using normal energy refresh and 50 crusty
    Crystal refreshes. Everyone's experience with rnjesus is different