Yea Soeedokillz, build up GW bench, arena suffers. Get mods for arena squad, every squad but arena suffers. Now face tough enough opponents in GW, that my b squads aren't as durable as they were. If I can't hit node 12 with full health on my arena squad, I won't be beating GW much more.
I need to start focusing on better synergy in my B squads. I think that can go along way since only my arena team is G9 with decent mods. My other three squads are G7/G8 with various 1 dot mod sets. Good synergy will make them more viable. My arena team is empire and I have decent rebels, but my synergy stops their. Tough to change focus and farm that synergy when resources are tight. My son is level 68, poor mods, and runs an all sith G8 DN(l), DV, SA, ST, and Dooku with only DN having abilities at 6 and all other toons at 5. He holds arena rank 90-150 and can auto GW every day with that squad alone. He only has to make sure any heal immunity debuff givers get killed first.