"Nikoms565;c-1079820" wrote:
"Crazylazyguy;c-1079755" wrote:
"danflorian1984;c-1079733" wrote:
."EclecticsScott;c-1079630" wrote:
The Ahsoka character is amazing, but you have to get off your cartoon prejudice to see it. Love this addition. Tell the team thanks @CG_Kozispoon
She could be the greatest thing since the sliced bread, that doesn't change the fact that she is nothing more than another rebel in a game over-saturated with rebels.
Kind of hard not to make Rebels since the majority of characters in Cannon who actually have names are Rebels. If it's not Rebels it will be tons of Jedi from the Prequels.
To quote from the other thread:
As for fan favorites, there are so many more characters that haven't been dropped from all eras of the Star Wars universe more deserving than a 2nd Ahsoka...
C3P0, Jedi Luke, Padme, Jar Jar, Saw Guerrera, Chewbacca, Jabba, Hux, Snoke, Thrawn, Wicket, Mother T, Jango, Maz Kanata
There are other lesser characters that have been name dropped that could serve smaller factions...
Bossk, 4-LOM, Zuckuss (yes, I really want the original bounty hunters in the game), Hammerhead, Dr. Evazan, Pando Baba, Squidhead, Bib Fortuna, Embo, Ki Adi Mundi, Logray, Sebulba, that dude played by Max Von Sydow, Droideka, Boss Nass, Firethrowing First Order trooper, Nightstick First Order guy, Nein Numb, Sy Snootles and the list goes on.
People complaining love this game. I love this game. However, sometimes I love the potential of the game more than the game itself.
Great quote, C3P0 is a rebel(and a droid), Jedi Luke will eventually be released(Aaand he is also a Rebel), Saw Guerrera is an extremist but also a Rebel, Chewie is a Rebel, so yeah, half of the toons you mentioned are rebels.
Padme(will come eventually), Jabba - seriously?, Jar Jar, again seriously?, Hux and Snoke will come when they release episode VIII, Wicket(oh god, the st up id teddy bear again w/e), Jango(I hope they will never release him but with my luck they probably will at some point), Mother T, whenever they get to ns rework. Thrawn will be released after Season 4 of Rebels most likely, Maz Kanata is still nobody.
Now on to the lesser characters, total number 20. How many of them had at least 5 minutes of screen time? Let's see Droideka(+1), Bossk(+1), Embo(+1), Mundi(+1). Great now we've got 4 not so popular characters(one of which is in 9-B) who have potential.