Forum Discussion

DorianBlade74's avatar
8 years ago

Galaxy of Heroes Guild Manager Updated

Greetings fellow Holotable heroes,
Today I have pushed a new version of the Galaxy of Heroes Guild Manager. This update provides some functional updates, and improved load times. There should also no longer be time outs when trying to load the data.

There have been a slew of updates since my last post, all designed to help Guild Leaders and Guild Officers manage their guilds even better.

We have added in Desired Characters (all Legendary and Heroes Journey) along with the requirements for them. Just select the desired character, and you'll get a breakdown of where everyone in your guild is at for obtaining that specific character.

We have updated our character list to the most recent version, as well as added in all the platoon requirements for Territory Battles phases 1-3 for both Dark Side and Light Side.
Another recent change has been our UI layout. It should now flow more easily from page to page and have a better overall look and feel.

And finally, we've reduced the need to reselect your guild every time you go to a page. If you haven't selected a guild, then you'll be redirected to the guild selection page, and then redirected back to your original destination. We've provided the ability to change guilds (for all you cluster folk out there) from the menu so you can more easily change from one guild to another.

In the near future, we will be adding in a Territory War Squad Builder. I have had the framework in place for a few weeks, and should have a version released before the next Territory War. This squad builder will allow you to set up a squad and see what members of your guild can fulfill that squad character requirement.

As always, you can find us at:

Any questions, comments and concerns are readily welcome.(edited)
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