6 years ago
Gear Crunch Discussion
Honestly, it still really sucks and it's quite annoying that we still have to farm 50 by 50 by 50 for our stun guns, eyeballs, all the gear ya know we just love soo much! Haha. Sarcasm. Anyways, I sti...
"Katsapliakos;c-2025800" wrote:"No_Try;c-2025721" wrote:"Katsapliakos;c-2025719" wrote:
From the number of posts,i can assume you are a rly old player and have some resources at hand,i reached the 1 year mark previous month and its as the op is saying.Even if you focus one toon at a time,it takes ages to make him g12 with the 1/15 attempts at gear i am getting thats way below 20% anyone is claiming,especially on kyros.I never got more than 2 from 10 or 15 attempts.
Cool samples. You can see people's collective samples instead of made up numbers for something you didn't bother tracking.
I am in every social media,i dont care what 1 million samples are saying,i watched them,i only know that i get those drops,its like you telling me that 1 person won the lotto of 100 million euros,how that benefit all the other players knowing that hey you can win this.
By you telling me that I SHOULD HAVE more drop rates,dont change the fact that,I DONT and it should even out for everyone.This is constantly mentioned by many ppl,so its not only a handful and all the cg white knights mention the sample size of 1 peron which doesnt affect anyone else but themselves,couse if you do that many samples it eventually evens out,you can check the probabilities of black and red in a casino to see how this works,but a Player cant make 1 million attempts in the game,so ofc my **** sample size is small.
No matter how you see it,the drop rates suxs
What do you mean you watched the samples, did you noted down the accumulation of your drops? If you did, please do share these rates that deviates from the norm. Low sample size or not, infinitely more meaningful than made up numbers. You are free to think if one looks for evidence that makes them cg white knights, a mere look at majority of drop rate trackers being at reddit will prove you otherwise. I didn't claim %20 is a good droprate or vice versa.
Loto and casino examples are rubbish. The droprates are much higher than any such correlation to make sense. It's not like we get 1 stun gun salvage per 10k attempts, do we? Instead we all keep getting things we need enormous amounts of which is what the topic is about.
2 questions i have.
1st one,how can another persons sample size affect my drop rates?Arent they independent events?I told you before,just becouse you get 20% that doesnt mean many ppl do get them,couse they get way lower than that.So yeah i see other ppls drop rates,but i dont care couse they wont apply to me.
2nd one,if game isnt rigged,then can you tell me that after one year,i see that i get way less shards on 20 energy nodes and i get more on lower energy nodes if they all share the same drop rates at 5 attempts max you can do at everything?Or you wont agree to even this one?
Ppl many times have asked for at least 1 shard guaranteed out of 5 attempts,which would be awsome like in age of magic i am playing,just an example.
Lotto and casino examples are perfect to understand that for every person that gets lucky there at least 100 that dont get lucky,if you cant see it,then i dont know what more to tell you.Its simple facts.