Forum Discussion

Ladicek82's avatar
6 years ago

General Anakin vs Fracture?

When reading GA's kit and watching several videos on YouTube, I started asking how is Thrawn and Fracture doing against this guy? Can GA be targeted by Fracture? Can GA go to Cover while Fractured? Is going to Cover cleansing Fracture?

If Thrawn can mess with GA, it would be a good sign that counter to his kit is possible - add Nihilus to build up Annihilate while GA is Fractured and we may be getting somewhere.

1 Reply

  • GSky can be Fractured while Advancing but once he goes for Cover, it is dispelled. His Speed goes to 0 in this instance and he is effectively self fractures - he can gain protection and health from ally turns along with TM which will bring him out of Cover and back to Advance. Fracture can still keep him at bay while building up an Annihilate...consider the strategies for getting around CBM to land Fracture, this is similar.