Forum Discussion

111Deep's avatar
6 years ago

Geonosian Faction Rework

Since CG is adventuring into the Clone Wars realm. Plus, with the release of Geonosis TB I think geonosians should get revamped.

Reworks: Poggle The Lesser & Sun Fac should get fully reworked and possibly some synergy to each other considering Sun Fac served as the chief lieutenant to Poggle. Also, the soldier should get more attack boosts on his unique.

Marquees: Geonosian Zombie is a must and would basically be a geonosian version of nightsister zombie.

Optional: Klik-Klak & Pehk

Legendary / GET / TB: Karina The Great who will be the much needed leader of the faction. Kinda like Mother Talzin with nightsisters. She could require a geonosian squad or a Galactic Republic squad.

Let me know what you guys think should be added or fixed with the geonosian faction in the game.

3 Replies

  • They should have had a fifth character some time ago in order to make a proper squad. Yes you can use a droid but still the squad is extremely poor, apart from the ships. Hope they do get a proper rework and new character.
  • I personally like SF's kit, he's one of the better geos.
    Spy could get to use his special more often.
    Soldier is ok, albeit he could hit harder.

    Poggle ive never seen any use of. He should be made a real leader, or rework to become a support type in the team.

    The Geo queen and zombie concept is the most important and easy to see. In CW, a group of jedis/clones could barely survive getting their hostage freed and escape. In a direct combat, theyd had no chance. It would be great to see the geo hive being similarly fearsome team, at least against jedi/clones.
  • Sun Fac - still a good tank, needs some good mods to survive the newer debuff happy teams.

    Geonosian Spy - decent attacker, still useful against certain teams.

    Poggle - useful in some team comps for Sith Raid but his prime has passed (he was meta with Poe in 2016)

    Geonosian Soldier - the weak link, damage mediocre compared to newer toons, health abysmal and little survivability. Ship is still good though.

    Just rework Poggle and GeoSoldier.