Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Novice
6 years ago

Geonosian reworks when?

Considering we need several of them to participate in specific areas of tb ( poggle the lesser I'm looking at you) I find that they still seem lacking on the offensive front even with geo brood alpha lead. I dont want to invest in my geos to much if they end up reworking them by the time I make a big move on them.

12 Replies

  • kiar1404's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 years ago
    Maybe they do not modify geos. With the alpha, geos got their boost. With G12-finishers, too.
  • What? You don't like the rework for Geo Spy?
    Seriously though, Poggle kinda sucks. I wouldn't mind more debuffs from the team, maybe something better than 60% chance for ability block