Forum Discussion

BTHR7's avatar
7 years ago

Getting pretty desperate over this!

I can't tell you when the last time I got a decent mod off of a challenge was! Every time I do sims I end up with nothing but grey mods and whenever it's a blue or green they always have some silly primary which makes it useless.

Getting purples and yellow is basically impossible and when you do, same story, useless.

I'm getting tired of this, I get that if it was easy to aquire good mods then everyone would have them, but this kind of RNG eliminates all skill and becomes frustrating.

I don't know how long more I can do this, now with all the meta changes constantly taking place, we need more mods.

The whole system stinks, it's designed to slow down character farming and to basically make you waste your hard earned crystals. The problem is that that's all it is, a Waste!

Psychologically it makes no sense, when you battle so harf each day and you come back at a certain time to get the best possible payout, only to see your crystals wasted due to mod farming, it hurts!