I'm really excited about SLKR but I'm a bit worried about the way they are removing so many fun characters from being effectively used with him, especially from his own faction of FO. There's a lot of TM-manipulation in the faction and instead they decided to make his gear such that they can't let him play with a TM-manipulating faction because he'd be too strong.
I hope we will still be able to use SLKR in a wide variety of teams but my fear is that Rey will be a much more versatile character while SLKR is limited from the way he punishes his own team for gaining TM :disappointed:
I hope they rework some of the FO characters that relies heavily on giving TM bonus to the whole team. Phasma, OG Kylo, FOX, FOST, KRU Lead... sheesh that's half of FO with teamwide TM manipulation...Oh wait, FOO also has it on his special... That's 6 of them... How are we supposed to build a good FO only team around SLKR? You need to relic all FO characters to get SLKR, but once you get him you can only use a few of them with him... Way to ruin the versatility of the whole faction. Was there really no other design choice they could make for this character?