"Marev;c-1913227" wrote:
In my experience, higher GP always nets you the win - if you both have an equally good strategy.
Case in point: My last match was against a guy who had Darth Revan, Revan, Padme etc. I took a break for 3 months, so I have none of these characters. However, I still won. Why? Because he kept these teams for his offense, which netted him 3 wins, then he died to my Nightsisters and CLS. On the other side, I was able to clear his entire defense which I wouldn‘t have been able to do if he set his teams on defense.
Point is: Going against a guy with a better roster is definitely tough, but not an auto-lose. GP is definitely important, but cannot fully compensate for bad strategy.
Your opponent must have some mental problems. He had to just set one revan squad upfront (as long as they're g12) and you would have been screwed. He must not have a great handle on how to play GA and this won't happen against dedicated players