I am mostly F2P and have been playing for years and the whole time I was leveling and gearing everything, especially when TB came around. My GP is 3.98 million. I do not have Revan or Traya or a usable Bastilla Shan. I am pretty much guaranteed to get matched up against people who do, so I am lucky if I can get a single win in GA. If they put a good Revan squad on Defense, I am SOL. I can run my entire roster against the one team and not make a dent. So.. GA is not enjoyable and barely worth the effort to get last place rewards. I'm close to the point where I'm going to join and not bother setting defense and just collect the rewards at the end because taking the time to set defenses has rarely resulted in a better than last place payout unless someone else is coasting through it, but I won't do that because I understand it negative affects the opponents...