Forum Discussion

TACP_TICK's avatar
6 years ago

Grand Arena HUGE Matchmaking mistake

When you match players based on combined ship and character GP but only let them use characters, you get big mismatches with players heavily invested in fleet. This is such a massive and obvious result, how in the entire world did you all just miss it, or better yet, WHY did you ignore it? Simple fix. Take the variable for the GP and make it just character GP in whatever formula the matchmaking AI uses.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-1763506" wrote:
    You’re quite right, on all points.

    Kudos to you though for actually trying to win when matched against someone who has a statistical advantage, though. It is clear from the forum that not everyone does that. And it’s great to hear that people can overcome a disadvantage.

    The game has such an enormous amount of variables that it seems daft not to use performance in GA as some kind of factor in matchmaking. But, even then, I can foresee people deliberately performing poorly for a period only to raise their game when matched against inferior opponents to ensure they get top prize.

    Or to be sure they can win when the prize is stun guns (or whatever gear they care about). Pretty much no matter what the system is, people will try to game it.
  • For anyone actually interested, the Galactic War report podcast (#133 I think) had SG Crumb and another CG person on there, mostly talking about C3P0) but there was a very interesting segment about Grand Arena and GP being used for matchmaking.

    He does state that they tried many variations of matchmaking algorithms, weighting this team or toon more, adding this, etc but it only ended up making more unbalanced match ups. It's still something they are working on but most of the 'suggestions' that appear on here or reddit, etc have already been tried, to some degree.

    Just some food for thought