💕 I thought it would be fun to share funny build mistakes stories. Something that always happens to you, or how you build it-simple or major- that makes you crack up! I will start! Mailboxes. I have never started a game where the mailbox doesn't pop up in my entry way :D I can never remember to place one for the life of me- Also, some of my roof builds are some of the most questionable things LOL.
Same with the mailboxes, for me!!! I have forgotten mailboxes sooooo many times. Also when I first started posting builds, for some reason I kept forgetting toilets and trash bins. I had never forgotten to add any of those things while simply decorating for myself. But once I was building things to post online, forget, forget, forget. And yeh. Roofs, I don't know WHAT I'm doing. I just kind of stick something on and if it sort of fits, I mean, that's the best I can do really....
@fujicakes1 Hahaha! You know what, come to think of it...I would forget trash cans a lot as well. My Sim would just start off on some long walk to go find one... lol!! :D But yes, haha thats funny thinking about you looking for your toilet when you are playing like...???
@Lenny_Ogg That is hilarious! Hey if a fridge doesn't fit the aesthetic...!! But It doesn't look like too, too...too far away haha!!! :D Thanks for the picture references btw!
When I first installed Spa Day I made this lovely spa that had meditation stools outside
unfortunately i had failed to take to consideration that it was winter in my game when i was playtesting it and sims just kept going outside and freezing to death :sweat_smile:
that was quite morbid spa trip but I remember it fondly as i don't make these types of accidents often
also i have bad habit of forgetting to put in toilets like this one time i built whole mansion and only realized at the end that theres no toilet in my build
needless to say that was rather heartbreaking to adjust the build to fit in toilets
I also have this one restaurant where sims keep changing into swimsuits because i put pond by the entrance and apparently that was not good idea
still keeping it though cause i like the pond :sweat_smile:
Nightmare House. I am not a builder, so when I started my first legacy challenge, I wanted the house to look nicer than I could make on my own. I found the prebuilt rooms, and that's where the house spiraled (metaphorically and literally). When I needed to add a bedroom, I'd slap on another pre-made room further down the hallway. Eventually I had a rectangular monstrosity with probably 14 rooms on the ground floor, a basement with a 5 rooms and a kitchen they kept trying to use, and four career rooms on the top level. They were all connected by a long hallway that wrapped around the house, so they would take hours to walk through the house and routing was a nightmare. I eventually decided that locking the basement kitchen was a better option than deleting it. I don't think I ever actually roofed the thing because I was constantly adding to it.
When I stopped playing that legacy, I switched over to gallery builds.
@_DelilahsRose_ I had to dig up my old hard drive, but I found it! My room count was a bit off, mostly because I forgot about the grounds and the rockets. I did manage to find the auto window button, so the exterior is more visually cohesive than it had any right to be. Floor plan photos under the spoiler tag.
The main floor. I had forgotten that the hallway got really wide in the back and turned into the place to shove all the skill objects that don't come with a room.
The top floor was smaller than I remember, but inexplicably had two doors leading to their second rocket.
The basement was where I shoved all the columns needed for the Mansion Baron aspiration.
If you look closely at the interior, you can see the curtains and windows that came with the rooms. I played entirely walls down and was completely oblivious to their existence.