Forum Discussion

BThunderius's avatar
4 years ago

Grand arena matchmaking

I’ve got to say the matchmaking in this game for TW and GA are TRASH, especially since they nerfed every non GL counter. Before the nerf if someone had more GL’s than you you still had a chance to win but now there is no chance. My recent GA opponent has 4 GL’s and I have 2 so it was an instant GG. I have slkr and see and they had put kenobi with some trash Jedi on defence. I only have wat to put with see and kenobi still beat him because of the stupid buffs they gave him and they beat my slkr. The nerfs have happened and take a lot of the fun out but if they want GL’s to be unbeatable by non GL’s then don’t match people with people who have more or less GL’s because it’s unfair.
  • Here an example of my poor opponent. Just know that at the current GAC, JMK was not unlocked.
    He had no Chance but his GP values are better than mine:
  • "XKurareX;c-2300919" wrote:
    6m GP, problems with a GET2 fleet (which are beatable by hux, mm, empire and rebels too)...okay well you know thats div 3 or below what you are talking about here.

    Division 3 specifically and yes, I still encounter opponents with sub-par fleets. A lot of players do not take fleets seriously.

    "XKurareX;c-2300919" wrote:
    All you have is a probably a slim roster, which outclasses your opponents roster by a huge margin. That would be a simple missmatch. But feel free to post your gac matches to show the good matchmaking and prove me wrong in your particular case.

    PS: I never told i do have issues, however i see very many players are being matched very poorly. A big difference.

    Have you even seen the prerequisites for a GL? It's impossible to have a slim roster when you have GLs! :D

    Here is my last match

    And here is the outcome

    PS You failed to answer my question...
    "XKurareX;c-2300803" wrote:
    And your argument of managing rosters is just putting the whole MM in hands of the players. Thats kind of very odd in the end.


  • "Rath_Tarr;c-2301141" wrote:
    "XKurareX;c-2300919" wrote:
    6m GP, problems with a GET2 fleet (which are beatable by hux, mm, empire and rebels too)...okay well you know thats div 3 or below what you are talking about here.

    Division 3 specifically and yes, I still encounter opponents with sub-par fleets. A lot of players do not take fleets seriously.

    "XKurareX;c-2300919" wrote:
    All you have is a probably a slim roster, which outclasses your opponents roster by a huge margin. That would be a simple missmatch. But feel free to post your gac matches to show the good matchmaking and prove me wrong in your particular case.

    PS: I never told i do have issues, however i see very many players are being matched very poorly. A big difference.

    Have you even seen the prerequisites for a GL? It's impossible to have a slim roster when you have GLs! :D

    Here is my last match

    And here is the outcome

    PS You failed to answer my question...
    "XKurareX;c-2300803" wrote:
    And your argument of managing rosters is just putting the whole MM in hands of the players. Thats kind of very odd in the end.


    Which question did you had?

    A matchmaking should be done by the organisation like FIA and not by the participants.

    You hide your swgoh profile to get another advantage versus your opponent as it appears. This isnt possible for all persons on the world. Next to this your opponent had from start 0 chance, you could have blocked him entirely max. 1 sector if you would have wanted to. Gz? I suppose...