Forum Discussion

iceman_pyroman's avatar
7 years ago

Guild Production Awards for Officers

It would be nice to see CG add an additional rewards token through the daily tokens that guild officers and leaders can utilize as a perk to retain players and also to get inactive players to continue to be productive. The officers can than oversee the distributions of such rewards to members of the guild as both a reward for grear work or a perk to encourage players to be more active within the guild. These rewards could be anything from mods, currency, gear, etc that are gained through daily productivity tokens.
  • Some Guilds already do a kick and rejoin as a warning. My 2nd idea is similar to that without having to actually remove someone and reseting there life time tickets donations tb and tw rewards etc so its actually less extreme than what's already being done
  • "Psycosaltine;c-1605565" wrote:
    Some Guilds already do a kick and rejoin as a warning. My 2nd idea is similar to that without having to actually remove someone and reseting there life time tickets donations tb and tw rewards etc so its actually less extreme than what's already being done

    That's true, and your idea is less of a punishment, but again, giving the ability to adjust players awards to other players, either up or down, will not happen. It is way too open to abuse and like I said, with money being a factor, it's open to all types of outrage. For example:
    Player A spends $500 dollars to start and gear a new toon for raids or TW. He doesn't achieve the the raid ticket requirements due to real life constraints. Being one of the few guild members who have this toon, he scores very well on the raid and gets top 3. Because of the established rule, he gets denied his full reward payout by the guild leadership. Let's also assume that this is the first time the guild was able to clear the raid, and his new toon was instrumental in that achievement. If i were player A, I would be highly upset and either leave the guild, or threaten legal action to recoup the money I spent on the toon (extreme but could happen).
    Let's say that the guild leader decides because of this new toon, he overlooks the short raid tickets and grants full rewards. There will definitely be some ticked off guild members. Good luck holding the guild together when rules are bent for the chosen few.

    TLDR: giving guild leaders the ability to adjust rewards will not happen under any condition