Forum Discussion

Herbert79's avatar
9 years ago

GW is a life and fun sucking part of this game...

GW is such a life sucking part of This game.
I seriously don't understand how they don't realize that people absolutely hate it. It take at least 45 mins to beat one GW if you're lucky and actually beat it.
It's absolute misery on GW days for your guild though. You know you'll be spending the better part of 2 hours on it. Awful game mechanics.
Just awful.
  • There's huge variation on difficulty between different players accounts. It's completely imbalanced and they likely don't care and think people are just whingers because they look at their statistics and see an acceptable bell curve for completion rates. I've been gearing up my droids and each piece of gear into IG-86 makes it harder and soon I'll have difficulty completing it even with my "farm TM then bench unit for higher node" strategy.

    I currently make it every day but my wife has days where there's no way in hell her roster can take out the max gear and mod node 12 teams she faces, they just steamroller her.
  • Same here, most days relatively easy, probably a couple of nights a week the last two nodes really stretch me to my "E" team :)

    When the tweaks and mods went through, it was definitely a bad challenge for a few weeks (and I actually could not complete many nights), but things seemed to have gotten better as I got mods under my belt
  • I was a vehement explosion of profanity all morning with today's GW and the bull crap I was facing. Had the "QGJ with mysterious 90% dodge chance" bull so had to do the rotate character locations to change rng trick. Took a lot of swaps before I could both hit the enemy team and not be instantly killed by critical assist attacks of random fatality.
  • Disagree... It's the only part of the game you can trial new squads at a reasonable difficulty level.
  • My favorite part of the game. I also get to try out new squad configurations on the hard nodes.
  • It gets easier. We all went through this OP. One day, you will complete it daily and be thankful GW doesn't suk for you anymore. Then it gets fun again.
  • I love GW.

    It's actually a chance to play the game properly and test the strength of your roster.
  • If by testing the strength of your roster you mean seeing how many max level
    Max geared characters you have to feed Rey hiding behind a Royal Gurd and ST Han while QGJ brings her in to assistively one hit anything that doesn't have the absolute top gear from raids and maxed out Mods. The yes, it's a good test. However, I find the way it throws easy to moderate teams at you only to end with one that will destroy you short of feeding it 8+ teams because you either can't raid as often or don't have the $$ to spend to be agrivating and in need of a difficulty cap.

    I accept that I won't beat the hard military might challage, but come on let's make the one decent way to get credits each day a little less of a terrible experience to those without multiple top level teams.