@Faa Your entire quote makes me think you don't know how Chirpatine works...
-What "taunt gap" are you referring to? STHan is literally taunting 100% of the time.
-Ewok Elder and Kanan can cleanse Healing Immunity...
-You need Chirpa to freeze time. Without Chirpa, if the B2 doesn't counter then Palpatine only has 90% TM.
-Even IF Offense Down lands on Palpatine, it's two turns...out of like, literally hundreds. So what?
-STHan's taunt has a 25% chance to remove 10% turn meter. Yes, it's RNG, but it helps slow down the B2
You don't have to create an infinite loop, just do enough damage before Enrage. Jyn is the most reliable F2P TM removal in the game, and you would easily extend the battle by an extra 6 or 7 turns.