8 years ago
Hero's Journey: RotJ Luke
In the spirit of trying to plan ahead, I'd like to get a discussion going about possible requirements for the most iconic Luke of the Original Trilogy (OT), Return of the Jedi Luke- also known as Green Lightsaber Luke, Black Outfit Luke and Jedi Luke. I want to make this as exhaustive as possible, taking into account the previous Hero's Journey events (CLS and RJT at the time of this writing), the business angle of the developers, the actual lore of Star Wars, and even potential unreleased characters.
Mods- if this doesn't belong here please move it wherever you see fit, but since the title of this subforum is Hero's Journey: Luke, Rey and this pertains to a future Luke Hero's Journey, I figured this was the best place.
The following paragraphs summarize my thinking. I've numbered them for easy reference.
1. Characters required will be from the film prior to the one in which this stage of Hero appears. For CLS we needed ANH characters; for Rey we needed TFA characters. Therefore for RotJ Luke we will need The Empire Strikes Back characters.
I compiled a list of every toon in SW: GoH who has even the most remote connection to the OT and came up with 48 toons. This list included Jawas, Ewoks and generic characters. I'll spare everyone the complete list. I then narrowed it down to toons appearing in ESB and that cut the number to 25:
Han Solo (Raid), Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett, R2, Darth Vader, Wedge, Lando, Princess Leia, Commander Luke Skywalker, Hermit Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben), TIE Fighter Pilot, Snowtrooper, IG-88, Hoth Rebel Scout, Hoth Rebel Soldier, Captain Han Solo, Lobot, General Veers, Rebel Officer Leia Organa, Stormtrooper, Ugnaught, Dengar, Wampa and Imperial Probe Droid.
2. Characters required will be the most instrumental "light side" characters to affect the story of the Hero in question. This rules out generic (unnamed) toons, "dark side" toons and ancillary characters like Lobot. This significantly narrows the possibilities. The previous version of the Hero in question will be required (I.E. CLS required Farmboy Luke, Rey required Scavenger Rey). A "mentor" type character will be needed, as well as a droid.
CLS --- RJT --- Jedi Luke
Farmboy Luke --- Scavenger Rey --- CLS
Old Ben --- Veteran Smuggler Han --- Hermit Yoda
Stormtrooper Han --- Veteran Smuggler Chewie --- Captain Han Solo
Princess Leia --- Finn --- Rebel Officer Leia Organa
R2-D2 --- BB-8 --- ???
3. There will be a way for you to purchase the required characters. We all have seen the packs for the Veterans, the ANH characters and the Empire characters (to acquire R2-D2). This is where things get interesting and is the primary reason I made this thread, along with thoughts for who the 5th character might be (in place of R2/BB-8). The obvious choices for RotJ Luke requirements listed above are not characters you can just purchase (with the exception of CHS in the form of crystal refreshes, but most should have him maxed by the time this event rolls around). Hermit Yoda is a slow, slow farm that can't be purchased. ROLO is faster. But for people who procrastinate on Hermit Yoda how will EA/CG capitalize on that? They won't bother purchasing the 5th toon or paying to refresh CHS's node if they have no shot of getting Yoda. I propose that if Hermit Yoda ends up available for purchase this game will have officially jumped the shark.
4. The money aspect makes me think the 5th toon will be a new character. But who's left? C-3P0? Does he have a bigger part to play than, say, Old Ben (even though he's dead in ESB)? No, certainly not, but he is in the medical frigate with Luke, Leia and R2 at the end of the film. Or will we get Ghost Old Ben as a new character? That would seem kind of forced. Lando? Not really; he and Luke don't interact in the film and everyone already has him at 7 stars anyway. Chewbacca (Original Trilogy)? Same issue as Lando, he and Luke don't interact much. Very few characters were instrumental in the development of ESB Luke (CLS).
5. TL;DR: Farm Hermit Yoda, CHS, and ROLO and hope for the best. Personally I'm also farming Lobot to 7 stars, the Hoth Bros, General Veers and eventually Wampa. But this has me very confused because without dipping into the Dark Side characters like Vader, I don't see who actually has an influence on ESB Luke (CLS) who isn't already in the game.
6. Maybe Jedi Luke will be aimed more towards the newer players, encouraging them to purchase packs to complete CLS/R2 and the older shards will all automatically get him (assuming they farmed Hermit Yoda). I don't know.
(I apologize in advance for future edits. This is a huge post and I'm bound to change my mind about something)
Mods- if this doesn't belong here please move it wherever you see fit, but since the title of this subforum is Hero's Journey: Luke, Rey and this pertains to a future Luke Hero's Journey, I figured this was the best place.
The following paragraphs summarize my thinking. I've numbered them for easy reference.
1. Characters required will be from the film prior to the one in which this stage of Hero appears. For CLS we needed ANH characters; for Rey we needed TFA characters. Therefore for RotJ Luke we will need The Empire Strikes Back characters.
I compiled a list of every toon in SW: GoH who has even the most remote connection to the OT and came up with 48 toons. This list included Jawas, Ewoks and generic characters. I'll spare everyone the complete list. I then narrowed it down to toons appearing in ESB and that cut the number to 25:
Han Solo (Raid), Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett, R2, Darth Vader, Wedge, Lando, Princess Leia, Commander Luke Skywalker, Hermit Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben), TIE Fighter Pilot, Snowtrooper, IG-88, Hoth Rebel Scout, Hoth Rebel Soldier, Captain Han Solo, Lobot, General Veers, Rebel Officer Leia Organa, Stormtrooper, Ugnaught, Dengar, Wampa and Imperial Probe Droid.
2. Characters required will be the most instrumental "light side" characters to affect the story of the Hero in question. This rules out generic (unnamed) toons, "dark side" toons and ancillary characters like Lobot. This significantly narrows the possibilities. The previous version of the Hero in question will be required (I.E. CLS required Farmboy Luke, Rey required Scavenger Rey). A "mentor" type character will be needed, as well as a droid.
CLS --- RJT --- Jedi Luke
Farmboy Luke --- Scavenger Rey --- CLS
Old Ben --- Veteran Smuggler Han --- Hermit Yoda
Stormtrooper Han --- Veteran Smuggler Chewie --- Captain Han Solo
Princess Leia --- Finn --- Rebel Officer Leia Organa
R2-D2 --- BB-8 --- ???
3. There will be a way for you to purchase the required characters. We all have seen the packs for the Veterans, the ANH characters and the Empire characters (to acquire R2-D2). This is where things get interesting and is the primary reason I made this thread, along with thoughts for who the 5th character might be (in place of R2/BB-8). The obvious choices for RotJ Luke requirements listed above are not characters you can just purchase (with the exception of CHS in the form of crystal refreshes, but most should have him maxed by the time this event rolls around). Hermit Yoda is a slow, slow farm that can't be purchased. ROLO is faster. But for people who procrastinate on Hermit Yoda how will EA/CG capitalize on that? They won't bother purchasing the 5th toon or paying to refresh CHS's node if they have no shot of getting Yoda. I propose that if Hermit Yoda ends up available for purchase this game will have officially jumped the shark.
4. The money aspect makes me think the 5th toon will be a new character. But who's left? C-3P0? Does he have a bigger part to play than, say, Old Ben (even though he's dead in ESB)? No, certainly not, but he is in the medical frigate with Luke, Leia and R2 at the end of the film. Or will we get Ghost Old Ben as a new character? That would seem kind of forced. Lando? Not really; he and Luke don't interact in the film and everyone already has him at 7 stars anyway. Chewbacca (Original Trilogy)? Same issue as Lando, he and Luke don't interact much. Very few characters were instrumental in the development of ESB Luke (CLS).
5. TL;DR: Farm Hermit Yoda, CHS, and ROLO and hope for the best. Personally I'm also farming Lobot to 7 stars, the Hoth Bros, General Veers and eventually Wampa. But this has me very confused because without dipping into the Dark Side characters like Vader, I don't see who actually has an influence on ESB Luke (CLS) who isn't already in the game.
6. Maybe Jedi Luke will be aimed more towards the newer players, encouraging them to purchase packs to complete CLS/R2 and the older shards will all automatically get him (assuming they farmed Hermit Yoda). I don't know.
(I apologize in advance for future edits. This is a huge post and I'm bound to change my mind about something)