7 years ago
Hey !
Seriously? Me and my flatmate have G12 Boba, Zam, Cad and IG188 with a G11 Dengar on 1 team, and G12 zzBossk, Boba, Dengar, Greedo and IG88 on the other. Neither of us, both with mods, can get even cl...
"MprezdNZ;c-1732561" wrote:
On the Boba lead team, Greedo is only G7. Will be working on building him up, but he's an expensive gear.
Boba is now G12+ 25k health, 27k prot 238 speed
Zam g12 26k health, 21k prot 243 speed
Cad G12 20k health, 49k prot, 165 speed
Dengar G11 27k health 35k prot 126 speed
IG88 G12 20k health, 20k prot, 157 speed
Greedo G7 12k health, 5k prot, 126 speed
I've seen people do it for a lot less is all i'm saying. The RNG factor, IMO, is way higher than in any other event. When you see some of the vids of people doing it going full potency to try and get the health off a Boba lead and my stats are significantly better, it's just a bit of a joke.