Forum Discussion

QuimSWGoH's avatar
5 years ago

Hyperdrive Bundle

  • "jhbuchholz;c-2015310" wrote:
    Didn't you post this already?

    Kyno deleted it because of a comment about accounts trade, but he said I can post it again without that comment lol so I simply removed the first paragraph.
  • Its going to damage the player base numbers even worse now. Eventually EA has got to sit down and realize they are Icarus, flying too close to the Sun with their wings beginning to melt. They are so desperate to grasp more and more profits. Maybe they should appreciate what they are already bringing in and focus on stabilizing that income instead by keeping the player base happy and growing, rather than risk losing it all because they did not know when to stop.
  • I'm not sure how long is this bundle going to be available, but if it's permanent, that means that this is the first time TRUE P2W is introduced into SWGOH. If it's permanent, it will completely break arenas, and it's going to be impossible for F2P players to get higher arena rewards.

    But even if this bundle is only temporary, every fresh player at the moment is at HUGE disadvantage against those who have bought the bundle. Well done CG...