"Sentia;c-1255285" wrote:
I am not a fan of TB. So far its just painfully slow, requires too much time. The combat is not interesting. The ship battles are too easy. The troop combat is too hard because I need to have like 5 light side teams and half my best guys are dark side.
I am regretting every good mod or gear I ever invested on a dark side character and the credit cost to move all the mods over to light side characters with less gear will be massive and will screw me from being competitive in GW as my 2nd, 3rd and 4th best teams are dark side. My best team is Jedi and my 5th best team is rebels, and while they are useful, they aren't as useful as they could have been if someone had told us in May when they were doing Empire faction passes, "hay don't bother investing in storm troopers, all the new content is for light side."
So thanks for the new content and now I regret just about everything I have done in game for the last 6 months. I am expecting that by the time I am actually set up correctly with the teams I need to do this TB, a new one will come out in 6 month for Dark side and Gear 13 and I'll be screwed again cause I spent the next 6 months focused on light side.
Well, here's the thing. I joined either Dec/15 or Jan/16, and I made a choice to only play with Jedis because, well, it's a Star Wars game after all. And since I'm F2P I had to make some decisions in order to keep the ball rolling.
So I decided to build a meta jedi team and for that I pushed every jedi in the game to 7* and Gear VIIII or above (only exception is Kit Fisto who I havent even unlocked). I commited a lot to that.
Suffice to say, I missed the EP event for a long, long time, until I could make a really weak Rebel team that could finish the last tier (only did that after my Ezra was 7* GXI). Awesome, but Jedi was still my focus.
Then I made my first stupid decision on this game: HAAT was announced and I figured it was a good deal to buff the Jawas, so I did it - pushed every jawa toon to 7* GXI - and it pains me to this day that the most they can do in any phase there is ~200k. Mistake learnt, moved on.
Then Thrawn's and R2's event came along, and I figured that these weren't really toons I was aiming for nor DS/Rebels was my "thing" - so I skipped it. I pushed Ezra and Kanan to 7* (cause Jedi is my thing), but I didnt even farm Hera.
When CLS event came along, I was lucky enough to pick the tips here on the forums and was able to unlock him, although I had to waste every single resource I had to do so (if you are following up until now, I had to build an Empire team from scratch for R2 event).
Now comes TB. I had some issues to put together 3 viable Light Side teams, but managed to win my battles up until Phase 5, in which I couldnt complete any of the battles. I can only imagine how Phase 6 will be like.
So I wrote all this to say that I'm cool with how things are rolling in this TB. I made a lot of non forced choices on this game, and in the end of the day I felt that I won some and lost some. Which is ok in my book.
Now I know what to aim for and how to develop my roster for this TB and for the future DS themed TB.
At the end of the day, it's a game gents, and part of the game is making your choices and learning from them. If you want to have everything in the blink of an eye, pay for it.
Otherwise, make your choices, learn from your mistakes, suck it up and move on, while having fun. If you are not having fun with the game anymore, find a new one. But don't come to the forums trying to kill other peoples buzz.
TB is awesome content, 10/10 devs!