Forum Discussion

SansacionalX10's avatar
3 years ago

idea of ​​a faction of the Jedi Council

hello there hello there the reason for this post is that as the windu rework was already confirmed it gave me the inspiration to make a faction 100% jedi council and give utility to the faction let's start with the most important who will make it up

The characters that are Jedi Council are
Mace Windu
Plo Koon
Kit Fisto
Shaak Ti
And Eeth Koth
But those 3 don't count for a jedi council squad because it would be a waste

very well knowing the characters of the jedi council we have to make it useful and at that point the rewoks and touch up's come in, well let's start

Plo Koon Abilities

 · Basic · Level 8

Quelling Blow

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If an effect is dispelled, Plo Koon gains Defense Up for 3 turns.

· Special · Level 8

Force Judgment 4 turn cooldown

Deal Special damage to all enemies inflict Offense Down for 3 turns and Stun for 1 turn.

· Special · Level 8

Take Charge 4 turn cooldown

All allies gain Defense Up for 4 turns. Clone and Jedi allies gain 50% Turn Meter if all allies are from the jedi council they get double this amount and other allies gain half that amount.

· Leader · Level 8


Each ally remove Stealth from each enemy at the start of their turn. If they dispel any enemies, they gain Offense Up for 1 turn.

· Unique · Level 8 (Zeta/Omicron)

If We Work Together We Will Stay Alive

Equalize Health and Protection of all Clone and Jedi allies and all Jedi Council allies will gain a 100% defense increase

while in grand arena: The health and protection of all allies of the Jedi Council will be increased by 400%

Kit Fisto Abilities

· Basic · Level 8

Lightsaber Mastery

Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to attack again. Kit Fisto gain 25% turn Meter with each attack.

· Special · Level 8

Turn the Tide 4 turn cooldown

Deal Physical damage to all enemies stun them for 1 turn and grant all allies Potency Up for 3 turns.

· Leader · Level 8

Jedi Protector

All allies gain 25% Tenacity and Jedi allies gain 45 Defense.

· Unique · Level 8

Superior Bladework

Kit Fisto has 100% Counter Chance and +20% Offense for each ally of the jedi council.

· Unique · Level 8

Coordinated Offensive (zeta/omicron)

whenever an jedi ally attacks Kit Fisto has a 50% chance to assist and if all allies are from the jedi council that probability is doubled.

while in grand arena: Whenever Kit Fisto attacks he will call a random Jedi ally if that ally was from the Jedi Council Kit Fisto and that ally will gain 25% Turn Meter

Shaak Ti Abilities

· Basic · Level 8

Courageous Strike

Dispel all buffs on target enemy, deal Physical damage to them, and grant Offense Up for 1 turn to all allies who didn't already have it.

· Special · Level 8

Assault Team 3 turn cooldown

Dispel all debuffs on all allies. Call all Clone Trooper and Jedi Council allies to assist. If target ally is a Clone Trooper or Jedi Council, they gain 100% Turn Meter.

Target ally gains buffs for 3 turns based on their role:
- Attacker: Stealth and Critical Chance Up
- Support or Healer: Speed Up and Tenacity Up
- Tank: Taunt and Critical Hit Immunity

· Special · Level 8

Training Exercises 3 turn cooldown

Call target other ally to assist, and if they are a Clone Trooper or Jedi Council, they attack again. Shaak Ti and target ally recover 35% of their Health and Protection.

If target ally is a Clone Trooper or Jedi Council, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle.

If target ally is a Galactic Republic Jedi, they gain 25% Tenacity (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle double if it's Jedi Council.

· Leader · Level 8

Unity Wins War

Clone Trooper allies have +35 Speed. Clone Trooper allies recover 5% Health and Protection when they attack out of turn.

For each Clone Trooper or Jedi Council ally at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Galactic Republic allies have +15% Max Health, +5% Max Protection, and +15% Offense.

· Unique · Level 8

Heightened Reflexes

Whenever Shaak Ti a Clone Trooper or a Jedi Council ally takes damage from an attack, Shaak Ti gains 20% Turn Meter.

Whenever Shaak Ti a Clone Trooper or a Jedi Council ally takes damage from an attack, they gain Retribution for 2 turns at the end of that turn.

Grand Master Yoda Abilities

· Basic · Level 8


Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict Potency Down for 1 Turn. If that enemy has 50% or more Health, Yoda gains 40% Turn Meter and Foresight for 2 turns. If that enemy has less than 50% Health, Yoda gains Offense Up and Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns.

· Special · Level 8

Masterstroke 3 turn cooldown

Deal Special damage to all enemies. Then, for each buff an enemy has, Grand Master Yoda gains that effect for 3 turns. (Unique status effects can't be copied.) Grand Master Yoda takes a bonus turn as long as there is one other living Jedi ally.

· Special · Level 8

Unstoppable Force 4 turn cooldown

Deal Special damage to target enemy and remove 70% Turn Meter. If that enemy had less than 100% Health, they are also Stunned for 1 turn.

· Special · Level 8 (zeta)

renamed from Battle Meditation to pass On What Have Learned 4 turn cooldown

Yoda gains Tenacity Up, Protection Up (30%), and Foresight for 2 turns, then grants each ally every non-unique buff he has (excluding Stealth and Taunt) for 2 turns. Yoda grants himself +40% turn Meter and an additional +10% Turn Meter for each other living Jedi ally (5% additional if they are Jedi Council).

· Leader · Level 8 (zeta/omicron)

Grand Master's Guidance

Jedi allies have +30% Tenacity (20% additional if they are Jedi Council). Whenever a Jedi ally Resists a debuff, they gain the following: 30% Turn Meter, Critical Chance Up for 2 turns, and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. Whenever they suffer a debuff, they gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn at the end of that turn. Grand Master Yoda is immune to Shock.

in Territorial War: if all allies are Jedi Council and there is no galactic legend ally all their leader abilities will be activated.

· Unique · Level 8 (zeta)

Battle Meditation

At the start of Grand Master Yoda's turn, he gains speed up for 1 turn and all other Jedi allies gain 5% Turn Meter (double for Jedi Council) and if all allies are Jedi Council they gain Legendary Battle Meditation for 1 turn.

Legendary Battle Meditation: +50% Potency and +35% counter chance (doubled for Jedi). Legendary Battle Meditation can't be dispelled.

very well that would be all tell me what you think I'll read you in the comments

ps I know that Eeth is also from the council but I was too lazy to retouch it and anyway he was expelled from it so it doesn't count
  • I quite like the thought that’s gone into this but my sticking point is imagining what the council actually ever did - which mostly seemed to involve sitting down, being grumpy and telling spoilt young Jedi they couldn’t do stuff. I’m finding it hard to imagine them in action as a council (as opposed to as leaders of Jedi & clones, which they already are)