Forum Discussion

A_n00byNubeNewb's avatar
7 years ago

Ideal Galactic War Squad?

Hey all! Just looking for advice on what the ideal galactic war team would be :) I'm just looking for a squad that can get me to at least node 11 as my other squads can handle the last 2 zeta infested nodes. I know Barriss+GK+Hermit are great toons but GK and hermit are way to difficult to get right now /: (guild can't beat HAAT and TB points are being used on toons/gear) also I don't have the zetas for Barriss. Only have 6/20 and Finn is going to be my first. Anybody know alternatives?
  • "Tavanh;c-1343617" wrote:
    This is assuming you don't have legendary units: Resistance, Rebels (Wiggs-Han-Leia), Phoenix

    Yup don't have any except r2 and palp. I've been working on rebels because wiggs is just insane and I need them for CLS :)
  • "MLGebra;c-1343631" wrote:
    I’ve been having a ton of fun with my nightsisters though they are heavily undergeared, understarred, and underleveled, and don’t have any zetas, they still hold their own against high gear teams. It’s truly impressive. Beyond that I run a clone team in arena and due to their excellent tm control, frequent attacks, and consistent health and protection recovery, they are also a good choice for gw. There are a lot of good methods nowadays. I imagine rebels are great too. ZGJ as well.

    Eesh yea it's a shame I don't have either of those squads remotely ready /: I've been looking into teams like clones that do have high healing/recovery tho :)
  • ZThrawn lead, zylo, tarkin, tfp, death trooper, autos every battle except cls lead which i swap my own cls squad in with a different tank (sthan, shore then gk as they get harder).

    Probably better squads to use on auto but this gets through battles pretty quickly without much trouble.
  • I run several teams but when I get resistance full on I'll probably shift to that faction. I use my resistance for the first few as of right now. Gotta zeta FN-2187!!