Forum Discussion

GaidalCain_WOT's avatar
9 years ago

IG-100 is OP!

Well no not really, but I did go up against a droid team with JE and a new IG-100. (The team used to be run with JE and Royal Guard and was pretty easy for me to beat).

So I have a couple questions. One, Fr people who DON'T run clone teams and have no trouble with Droid teams, who do you use?

Second, maybe I don't understand JE's unique well enough but I feel like I SHOULD go before he moves.

His speed is 150 + his unique which with 4 other droids gives him +40 speed yes? For a total of 190.

I run a Ventress led team (+28 speed to NS) with Old Daka who has 166 speed. 166 + 28 = 194.

I should go first right? Not so. The little engineer yells and the droids start going berserk. Speed down, ability block, offense down, etc. on my squad.

What am I missing?

I can post pictures of the droid team in question and my own squad.

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