Actually g10 seems ok on average. I beat it with g11 dooku, g12 asajj, g10 b2, g8 magniguard, and g8 (5 star) gg.
So averages to g10.
I beat t6 with the same team except g8 sun fac in place of gg and took magniguard to g9.
Haven't beaten t7 yet but I still have a week to gear them a bit and keep trying. No point in doing it 1000 times when a little more hear can go a long way.
Also that was doable without moving arena mods. I try and avoid stripping my mods if possible to avoid falling too far. And gearing is a better solution when possible due to the fact that the team will be decent in the future with the reworks coming and probably worth gearing for tw and ga.