Forum Discussion

jsw309's avatar
9 years ago

Jawa engineer

Needs to be nerfed. His speed boost its too powerful to be a unique ability rather than a leader ability. Droid teams being able to combine the speed boost with another leader ability is a big oversight and should be corrected.

20 Replies

  • As a droid fan i will tell ya that teams i had chances of losing to are phasma/daka/rg/jawa those stuns render droids useless.

    Since anikin rework i am struggling with anakin and rg teams...

    I typically use max lv
    Hk g8
    86 g8
    88 g8
    GG 5* g8
    JE 4* g9
    In top 50 daily sometimes top 20

    Also swap GG for lv 80 g10 IG-100 sometimes.

    I use grevious when there is a rey, yoda, doku or fives in party since his basic hits through foresight and cant be countered.

    Overall JE is not OP since he doesn't actually attack anyone. His bombs are pure luck mostly and are better served to increase 88's attacks.
    JE is 100% support.

    If you want to beat droid teams with JE then kill JE 1st. Mine barely has 14k hp at 4* lv 80 g9, its not hard at all.
  • Han solo counters him first turn stun...get
    "MilkNudders;512539" wrote:
    "Alexone;512496" wrote:
    "MilkNudders;512480" wrote:
    Don't worry keep whining EA will nerf him if you get a mega thread made. They can fix anything and don't understand game mechanic.

    I mean he has no counter and he kills one of my toons before they can act. They killed QGJ and Rey (in different matches) both were gear 10. I will try to not ask for nerfs but it's really hard and i would like to know how to combat the fact that my gear 11 Han is useless and Rey/QGJ die in the first round. So far, there is no other team that does that.

    Han solo counters him first turn stun...get your t7 raid going..

    Don't be silly. You need guild bank coins for that
  • "Salacious_Slug;512021" wrote:
    Negative. While he does give a speed boost (once per arena match) he generally does zero damage in arena. So 1/5 of your team is going to basically be worthless in killing the other team.

  • "GamorreanBard;512057" wrote:
    Fives is really the only threat anyone runs in arena that JE's dets are good against. And that's if they don't get resisted. All the high damage toons and taunts are usually cleared before dets go off. He's also awful on 86's assist which seems to happen 50% of the time.

    With all that said I got whooped hard by a Clone team today with my Droid team. Couldn't even get through a single Toons protection.

    Rex lead teams - even if not all clone based - are very tough for droid teams to beat even vs. the AI. And by very tough I mean you will lose more than not even with maxed out teams if the other team is well built also.

    JE only makes droids a viable team at a competitive level - but they are not OP or even the best team to run. They are a nice option to have and great in GW though.
  • JE is the only character keeping droids viable in arena and they still lose a lot. JE has downsides the main 2 being he's extremely squishy and him being called for an as-sist by ig86 loses games by its self. His basic is actually really good and hits hard but it takes skill to know who to use it on. On a side note b2 is a joke he's not even that good I won't be wasting my money trying to get him.
  • JE is ok. Nothing great. I use droids and JE is on my bench. There are plenty of teams that can beat JE droids. And plenty of teams I can't beat with JE.

    JE boosts speed, initially, and then he can rez a droid 100%. That rez is the only reason to even kill JE. His heal won't make a difference, usually. And he will waste all his detonators "over killing" your taunter.

    If u can't beat droids, u probably have a bad matchup or not enough gear.
  • The most ridiculous thing. I was building a droid team and I am still doing it but I de prioritized it because I am absolutely destroying them. I run phasma daka Rey erg and st han. It gets really ugly and I rarely lose more than one toon. Even at gear 11 or 10 88 and 86 have almost no tenacity. Might as well be negative. Even if I get ability blocked and offense down I just stun 88 and 86 and the match is OVER
  • Anyway I find droids almost perfectly balanced. I'm assuming you didn't play back in the day when droids plus poggle and Poe was actually unbeatable
  • "Alexone;512459" wrote:
    "fudgra;512439" wrote:
    "Alexone;512396" wrote:
    "Samantha;512337" wrote:
    JE works fine. He's not too powerful as there are teams I struggle to beat.

    Would love to know some. Preferably one without dodge lead or p2p characters.

    I run droids/JE and have lost against Phasma leads. Droid teams also get beaten on defense like everyone else as none stay glued to the top ten of my server.

    Don't underestimate the power of RNG.

    Well i have Phasma leads so i am going to need more than that. Because right now i am 3 out of 4 in offense against droids with JE+B2. And i am talking max gear vs max gear here. Well almost.

    Belive you should look into RNG little more i run a JE droid team and ive beat teams and lost against same team next time almost any team can beat another team if the RNG goods are in your favour just today i dropped from 25 to 55 in just over an hour after reset so my team cant be that hard to beat
  • I don't think JE need nurf. Old meta (OB(L),RG,Rey,GS,Jinn) is doing fine on attack vs droid team with B2+JE. When I say fine, over 90%-95% win rate. You must be really unlucky to lose. Just ignore the droids, kill B2 first, stun JE when you are close to kill B2 and then kill the remaining droids.