Forum Discussion

urmoooseyfate's avatar
6 years ago

Jedi Knight Luke?

So, I've had this long-running prediction (pretty much ever since the game came out), that we'd eventually get a RotJ Luke. After CLS I was even more certain, and with the recent releases of 3PO and Chewie, it seems all but confirmed. So the question has to be asked, what toons should we have prepped when Jedi Knight Luke comes to the holotable? I think we'll need the whole cast of Empire Strikes Back, including CLS. Officer Leia, Captain Han, Chewie, 3PO, Lando, and Hermit Yoda I think are some obvious others we'll need. I'd also expect a release window either right before, or immediately after Rise of Skywalker.
  • You've had this theory? I think everyone has it. It will happen eventually.
  • Will it happen? yes
    Anytime soon? no
    Freakishly overpowered,this char will be? yep
    Will dominate the arena top population by being too OP? definitely
  • Y'all keep saying "They already said it would never happen" and all I can think is:

    Only a Sith deals in absolutes.