3 years ago
Jedi need a rework, they smell like saltwater
To get to the point, there are a lot of jedi in the roster that I would classify as “Launch units”… in other words, units available in the game since launch, which over the game’s lifecycle have not gotten much in the way of “improvements”… Omicron abilities and relic tiers have only done so much, and while yes this might take some time, I think that it would be WELL worth a touch-up. A PERFECT example is Mace windu’s rework about a year ago… I know I remember his old ability kit (remember when shatterpoint would expose an enemy and not do a unique debuff? Those were the days…) and how much better it is now. A lot fo the jedi in lore that are super powerful (*cough *cough plo koon *cough *cough) are just represented as “push-over units”, making late-game jedi teams bottlenecked into late-game units like GAS, JKR, GMY, etc. While this might be an intentional thing, it still doesn’t put that someone like Eath Koth has only a force push and a lightsaber slash… I would’ve posted this forum last night, but I had an issues when I tried to spell “Ferren” right after 4 attempts… (I want to see Ferren Barr as a new unit, he’s awesome and there’s a lot of material for potential abilities)