Forum Discussion

Devian_Ers's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 years ago

Kit Idea: Darth Marr (Legacy)

Darth Marr
Dark Side, Sith Empire, Sith, Tank,
The first mentioned Sith to become Force Ghost. Sith Who used dark arts with Passion and seen wisdom in Jedi teachings.

"Unique" that can be a strong Leadership while in Territory Wars
Synergy with Old Republic Jedi Leader and Sith Empire
Strong defensive capabilities that increase survivability of Sith Empire allies
Benefits from buffs and effects of Ferocity

Synergy suggestion: Darth Revan, Bastila shan(Fallen), Sith Empire Trooper, Sith Asassin, Bastila Shan, Grand Master Yoda

Basic: Slash
Deal damage to target enemy and dispell all debuffs from himself. If there were no buffs during this attack - gain defense up until the end of next turn and protection up (+10%, stacking)
inflict Armor shred during his turn

Special: AOE Slash with effects of lightning on the ground (cd3)
All Sith Empire allies gain Retribution for 2 turns. Deal Physical damage to all enemies. For each stack of Ferocity on him inflict shock or ability block on random enemy.
If shock is inflicted more then once to same enemy - inflict stagger on that enemy.
If there were more then 10 stacks of Ferocity - target enemy cant resist debuffs.
Then dispell all stack of Ferocity on himself and deal physical damage to target enemy again.
Each time an enemy resisted a debuff or evaded an attack Darth Marr gains stack of unshaken will

Special: Saber Throw+force push(cd3)
Gain Offense up and Health steal, then deal Physical dmg to target enemy. For each stack of Ferocity on him - deal additional true dmg. Then dispell all stacks of Ferocity on himself
If Darth Marr is in the Leader spot - deal additional dmg to random/weakest enemy.

Unique: "Reforemed Empire"
At the start of his turn, for each buff on himself gain stack of unshaken will(stacking) and lose a stack whenever Darth Marr receives damage.
Other Sith Empire allies gain +100% Defense and take 5% less damage.
unshaken will: gain +5% tenacity +5%defence +5% protection up at the start of each turn
In territory Wars:
If Darth Marr is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, allies gain the following bonuses:
At the start of the battle allies gain +100% Bonus Protection and defense up for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled
Sith Empire allies gain +100% Max Protection, take additional 5% less damage and +15 Speed(tripled for Darth Marr and non-sith allies), and immune to daze.
At the start of each of their turn, Sith Empire allies gain advantage and stack of unshaken will. And at the start of each of the Sith turn, all Sith Empire allies gain stack of Ferocity if they are Sith.
Darth Marr is immune to percent Health damage effects and TM manipulation
This bonuses remain even if Darth Marr is defeated.

Unique: Unbreakable determination / I will never kneel again
At the start of each of his turns, Darth Marth gains stack of Ferocity for each other status effect on him.
Darth Marr gains taunt whenever there is no other ally taunting.
While taunting, Darth Marr gains + 100% Defense. He also gains +100% Defense and +20% bonus protection for each living enemy if there is no other Sith Empire ally.
Whenever Darth Marr deals finishing blow to target enemy, he gains bonus protection that equals target's max health. And whenever Darth Marr receives finishing blow, he restores 1% health, resets cooldowns, and gains up to 7 different buffs. then he gains bonus turn and at the end of it is defeated.
If allied leader is an Old Republic Jedi, and Darth Marr is defeated, whenever leader uses ability that calls to assist, Darth Marr is revived and assists, then he immediately is defeated. Darth Marr can't be revived any other way.
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