Forum Discussion

AksterNerfPlz's avatar
10 years ago

Leader Ability: Barriss or Ima-Gun Di

I just got incredibly lucky and drew Ima from a bronze pack today which is amazing as I thought he was the perfect character iI needed for my team. His 25% counter chance for everyone on my team is amazing, I dont know how useful the defense up is because I dont know what '20 defense' means damage negation wise. I currently use a tanky team with;

Aayla Secura

Imas counter is really powerful for the whole team, but the max health and heal every turn from Barriss leader skill seems so powerful too, and possibly seems even better than ima when defending in PvP since ont he defense you need the timer to run out.

Which would you guys prefer , Ima or Barriss as leader?
(If I put Ima as leader I will replace Qui-Gon with him, even though Ima is only 4 star and Qui is 7*)

That 90% Aayla Secura counter though. Ouch.

11 Replies

  • Vs a counter team Qui is definately better, as you need to focus the opponents one by one. Once abilities are upraaded properly, including basic attacks, ouch. Sure Kit is incredibly tanky, but Qui with assists from other jedi with upgraded abilities can decimate people.

    The reason I overlooked Qui to begin with was because the ability levels I had for him were low, but as ive upgraded them as well as my other Jedi I see I was severely mistaken. Kit Fisto is tanky, but his abilities really do not provide so much for the team other than the low chance of his potency activating, giving my Obi a higher chance of a successful mind trick, unfortunately his proc chance is quite low and it makes him vulnerable to counter.

    On defence if Qui can kill an enemy character quickly he is better than Kit, otherwise Kit is still better. On the other hand on offense I would always choose Qui over Kit.