Raid gear and some of the gear needed by everyone is the main choke point holding most players back... it is possible some players geared the wrong guy...or bought the wrong stuff... but if you play efficiently free to play your GP will get high but your top geared guys lag behind... in another words you can only slowly upgrade to gear 12 a few at a time even though everything else is quickly hitting the lower gear levels. So your gear 10 or 11’s CAN come in handy but it fells like fighting with one arm tied behind your back. If your opponent is halfway competent they should win every time. This means effective free to play strats burns you in grand arena and buying the last critical gear with cash lets you get those critical characters without grinding as much. Normally you would work with your guild and do everything you can to scavenge every last bit of gear you can... but now you get burned for that in grand arena...the high GP free to play players are seeing equal GP big spenders....who have gone ahead and bought that last bit of gear without much impact on their GP. Those last few levels of gear have an impact on grand arena out of line with actually rise in GP and is rather unsatisfying to the Free to play or near free to play players who have to play them....every match. In the regular arena you only rarely see a player like this...and then usually only as you get near the top of rank in grand arena after winning a lot. In Grand Arena you can see half your opponents like this, even if you have not won a single match, or won because the other guy did not play lol. I see mostly players who have about 20 to 26 gear 12’s and 40 to 42 gear 12’s. I have 10 lol. Why? It appears that investing in fleets lets your GP grow like crazy...I can use 4 fleets and odds are all 4 them will be higher GP than some of my opponents. Also the mods.... I have modded everyone....and geared everyone with the extra my weak guys can probably beat you weak guys lol. I think if I was not doing this my GP could probably drop 50% which would probably put me in line with weaker guys I’m seeing. To match up with the top tear (who at this GP have about 40 gear 13) I would need to spend a lot more money...not sure how much because of my GP drops 50% I might not need as much money lol.
But I have bad news lol: I’m not doing any of that. I’m going to play the same way I have been and I am going to complain about how unfair Grand Arena ranks are (because they are) lol...and if you actually lose to me...I’ll try to be humble and not rub the salt in to much lol