"RandomSithLord;c-1869383" wrote:
Not any harder to explain than to make you understand that there is no point in spreading your resources to every subpar toon. Players who have toons at G1 lv 1 probably just understand better that there is no use to a character that is locked at G7 and hence there is no point in investing in the said toon before having the possibility to gear them any further.
It's not artifcial GP management, but rather a smarter use of resources. And this comes from someone with a 3+ year old account with at least 300-500k GP from toons I don't use.
Smarter use of resources...I literally gear my arena teams first. Upgrade others only with gear they don’t need. This helps you clear other events, which the whole point of them is to get you to use subpar characters. Not to mention the clan events were high GP is literally a requirement to clear those pesky stars! Prior to Grand Arena you strategy was lazy at best, and it hurts your clan, and possibly causes you to miss out on events that use the subpar characters. You have to ignore most of the other events and burn your clan to say that is “smart”.
Not to mention there is no taking back gear. You use it adds to your GP....your literally saying you were “dumb” to put extra gear on anyone not going above 7G. You were not dumb...you did not know about grand arena....you reasonably could not expect the developers to demand high GP for clans and then undercut it all latter. I’m still not clear the developers expected players to in mass try to lower their GP. But whatever they expected that is what happened...and no I am not starting another account just to play Grand Arena. Fix it! It will tick some players off if you do...but they probably can raise there GP if needed, and are very likely to spend whatever is needed to get back on top! It actually might make more money lol