Forum Discussion

basaltty's avatar
7 years ago

"Leave Territory Battle. Come back?

As usual, messages aren't really clear. I "entered" tw. Can i leave and come back? Or if you leave yer done?
  • Just leave and rejoin. But what I'm saying is, once it's locked, there's nothing you can change.
  • "DarthMartinius;c-1359198" wrote:
    I'm not so sure about that. In the territory wars it is stated the gp of my guild is 107.8M but it is actually 108.5. So it looks like the changes you make to your toons are not considered in the tw even if it's not locked yet.

    Yes, you need to leave and join again to update gp
  • That's the impression I'm under also. If you enter the TW and make any kind of upgrades to your Characters or Fleet, you need to LEAVE the war and reENTER before player lock. If you do not do this, you're stuck without the upgrades.
  • I also just tried it and was able to Join back in. So it's worth the time it takes to click click! You're back in and more beefed up than before!
  • I just left and rejoined and saw the guild GP updated (cause of my upgrades past days). Do we all need to leave and rejoin or does it automatically update between signup and setup phase?
  • I did the same and saw the increases I'd just put on a toon reflected in the active GP. Just advised guild to do the same. It takes literally a second.
  • Where do you see active GP?

    LE: Nevermind, found it in Rewards screen.