"Yogagatorgirl;d-259896" wrote:
Hi Im fairly new to the game. Im at level 85 but I never thought of this game as a strategy game, so when officers were explaining what to do i was clueless. saying to fill platoons first( how do you do that) I know you pick players out of the platoon to use, is that correct? How do you know you are getting to select your players? I have done the platooning first and never get my characters and get stuck with i guess leftovers, Do I need to start off early to guarantee I get my toons? I also don't understand how you save your teams for missions and special missions when having to deploy everything. It seems backwards to me to deploy everything last. Im sorry if this is a stupid question but Im hoping someone can explain it to me so I can understand?
Thank you
You are not picking characters out of platoons to use. You are taking your toons out of your roster and putting them into platoons. Filling the platoons gives some bonus for the tb. To be eligible to put a toon into platoons there is a minimum star level required, depending on the tb and the area.
Once a toon is in a plattoon, it is not available for use for the rest of the phase, just as if you had used it up in battle. The toon also counts as deployed to the area, so your territory point contribution goes up by the gp value of the toon.
For deploying in general, once a toon is deployed to an area, it can only be used in that area for the phase. If the first thing you did was deploy all to the bottom area, you could then only use toons to attack combat missions in that area, and only fill the platoons in that area. You would not have anything available in the other top area. This is why it is best to deploy after combats and platoons are done.
Selecting a team to fight a combat automatically deploys those toons to the area. When you return to the map after the combat you will see that you earned territory points of the value of the team you just attacked with. Hopefully you also see points for your glorious success in battle. Toons you have used to fight are not available to put in platoons.
The points contributed by all players help in TB. Deployment, platoons and combats all help your guild to get the best rewards possible for all members.