7 years ago
Lets try democracy
I think we can all agree that the issue here is not a bad General Grievous rework, or a lack of relying on RNG to win a fleet match.
Let’s be clear: Revan and Han’s Falcon were a mistake. A design flaw. Way to overpowered. So where do we go from here?
Option 1: Escalate and have even more ridiculously overpowered toons and ships?
Option 2: Nerf Revan and Han’s Falcon to keep them powerful (as they should be as meta), but not insanely overpowered as they currently are?
Everybody in favor of option 2 say “aye”
... Aye!
Let’s be clear: Revan and Han’s Falcon were a mistake. A design flaw. Way to overpowered. So where do we go from here?
Option 1: Escalate and have even more ridiculously overpowered toons and ships?
Option 2: Nerf Revan and Han’s Falcon to keep them powerful (as they should be as meta), but not insanely overpowered as they currently are?
Everybody in favor of option 2 say “aye”
... Aye!