Traya needed a counter, HT needed a counter. Now there is a counter... let's do reworks. There are so many useless toons right now...
BH rework was very good... not for Arena but for TB, TW, GA
Speratist rework... you cannot know right now. b1 and droidika 4*... do you want 3 or 4 stars beat meta? Maybe an Arena-Team will be not separatists but droids... maybe with bb8, r2,t4 or l3... a lot of reworks brought targetlock.... so why just see seperatists. Revan team is not OR but Jedi... new and old jedi.
fleet... Sith will rise and get a capital ship abd/or maybe a jedi-fleet-rework or something other
Just wait... all you need is time for swgoh...