You can have Lando love when they (CG/EA) give Palpatine his proper power level. Playing AAT today I just realized how really asinine it is that The Emperor of the 1st Galactic Empire is more powerful in the Star Wars Clone Wars series than in this game. The Emperor should one shot GG and his stupid droids with no issue. There is nothing special about GG or his Guards other than being cannon fodder, like Dooku.
Besides we still need Han Solo in Ceremonial Gear with Medal, Han Solo with his Hoth jacket hood down, Han Solo in Bespin Outfit, Han Solo without Bespin jacket, Han Solo in carbonite, Han Solo desert skiff with Pole Axe, Han Solo in General Outfit, Han Solo in Endor Assault trench coat. All these Hans can solo the 15 or so Kylo Rens I am sure they are gonna produce as well.