Forum Discussion

DaPowerfulJedi's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Luminara Unduli Rework Idea

Luminara Unduli
Light Side, Healer, Galactic Republic, Jedi

Flow of the Force Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and gain evasion up for 2 turns. If Luminara already had evasion up, she gains offense up for 2 turns and gains 10% max health (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

Force Blast Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict ability block and speed down for 2 turns. If the target has already been damaged by Luminara, remove 25% of their max protection(stacking). This attack can’t be evaded or resisted. (Cooldown 2)

Master Healer’s Blessing Special 2: All allies recover health equal to 50% of Luminara Unduli’s max health and protection equal to 20% of her max protection. All allies also gain evasion up for 2 turns and recover an additional 30% of her max health at the start of their next 3 turns. (Cooldown 4)

Elegant Steps Leader: Jedi allies have +30 speed and gain +40% max protection. All allies have 20% evasion and recover health equal to 10% of Luminara’s at the start of each of their turns. ZETA: Whenever an ally gains a buff they do not have, they gain 10% turn meter and a heal over time effect for 2 turns. While Luminara is alive, allies immediately regain heal over time for 2 turns whenever heal over time expires on them. When an ally evades an attack, they gain stealth and critical hit immunity for 1 turn.
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