Forum Discussion

urmoooseyfate's avatar
3 years ago

Mace Nerfed On Arrival

"The preview last Friday showed 50% Turn Meter on Mace’s new Basic Ability instead of 15% Turn Meter. This was a balance change that came late in the testing process and was done after the interview."

I'm still excited for the rework (50% TM does seem like a lot given all the speed-boosting leaders that are out there), and understand he was still in beta, but CG isn't helping the meme that they love to nerf characters.

27 Replies

  • CG announces the kit, waits for reactions, finds out it was too OP, then adjusted the kit… that’s the “testing” they did.
  • "Jpfit262;c-2345661" wrote:
    CG announces the kit, waits for reactions, finds out it was too OP, then adjusted the kit… that’s the “testing” they did.

    Yeah, they totally turn on a dime whenever the forums ask for something. What a silly comment.
  • "JarJarRequissa;c-2345719" wrote:
    "CCyrilS;c-2345686" wrote:
    "Jpfit262;c-2345661" wrote:
    CG announces the kit, waits for reactions, finds out it was too OP, then adjusted the kit… that’s the “testing” they did.

    Yeah, they totally turn on a dime whenever the forums ask for something. What a silly comment.

    you got a point. if they listened to forum feedback RazorCrest would be farmable and not in a slot it never appears and is less available than when it was in conquest. mace nerf shouldnt surprise anyone

    They did make RC farmable, your luck is just bad
  • Whether or not they (thoroughly) tested him before the interview you can alrdy call the responsible kit designers game knowledge in question.

    We have
    - an ability block on a basic (Basti, BSF, Talon, ...) which is known to be one of the most powerful things you can do on a basic
    - a hilariously high TM gain on a basic (GMY) which is also known to be extremely good

    How the hell did the kit designer think that this would be ok? Did he ever play LSTB and used GMYs basic on a B1 or B2? These guys man...
  • "Ultra;c-2345560" wrote:
    is it really a nerf if the playable version never had +50% TM gain?

    They balance tested before release, which is nice

    It just shows that the information given the Hynesy was available for quite a while back

  • "24_Tuesdays;c-2345563" wrote:
    everyone gets mad because they dont test

    they test and discover a needed change

    everyone gets mad that they "nerf"

    its not even a nerf its rebalancing based on testing

    i mean really

    You don't release kit details until you are finished your testing and have the final product ready for roll-out. Just more CG kindergarten antics. They were more interested in how they were going to stream the release and reveal this to Ram-Bam. They forgot they actually had a job to do.