I can't see how clickbaity the video is, has any relevance on its quality.
I think how Ahnald's brain works. His guides aren't very good. A Fatal or BitDynasty are a lot more methodical in their approach.
His obvious clickbait videos are annoying. He's nowhere near the worst though as even his clickbait videos have a lot of work put into them.
I really like his news. Ok, it's all taken from websites we probably use. However, he's an excellent reporter for more casual players. Also his take on things (and his speculations) are thought provoking in my opinion.
Then there are his life streams. I don't think there's a SWGOH streamer anywhere near as entertaining as him. He works incredibly hard and can keep viewers interested for hour upon hour.
Sure, he has his faults, but I think he's a major positive to the community.