Forum Discussion

829186867's avatar
9 years ago

Make Credit Heist WEEKLY event, makes cuffs more available

With the new push to start leveling as many characters as possible for metas, synergies, mod challenges, etc the community notices Credits are hard to come by now and GW simply doesn't cut it anymore. The revamp of Credit Heist is great and I suggest you make it a Weekly event (possibly on weekends), that would something we would enjoy. The "it will appear randomly between 6-12 days" is too inconsistent so just make it a weekly.

Next issue is the large necessity of MK3 Czerka Stun Cuffs and how much of an imbalance there is here. It seems every single MAJOR character needs anywhere from 50-150 to progress from gear level 9-11. Times that by however many characters you're working on, and yeah, you need hundreds and hundreds of them. Everyone is requesting them in GUILD EXCHANGE yet everyone needs them so the "give 4 away then request to get 5 back" theory doesn't work. Make them avaiable in the Shipments or start a "stun cuff" event since you are dropping loads of new events. Put cuffs in the Guild Store and then also drop the Guild Store prices since they're Ludicrous.

Speaking of ludicrous, if you drop the Mod prices in Mod Shipments, guarantee more would buy and probably spend hard earned cash that you're looking for. Mods are the new thing and 6 are needed for each character... just a thought to keep your community hungry and wanting more.

Also, any information on the new Raid would be greatly appreciated. We're thankful for the update of "we're optimizing and testing new Raid. We will share details at a later date" however we have lost 10 people in our hardcore 7*raid guild due to the lag of info regarding the New Raid. Please give us any details so the community isn't walking around blind.

Sorry for the novel!
