Forum Discussion

WalkngCatstroph's avatar
6 months ago

Make-Good for GAC bug

@CG_Tusken_Meathead any chance of a make-good for the GAC bug below; where my opponent started with max banners despite not killing anything; which gave me absolutely no chance to win? I submitted the bug report to EA, and all I got back was "We are aware of this bug (which is super rare) and are investigating".

I appreciate that the bug is rare, but that doesn't take into account that it potentially cost me approx. 750 crystals, and some other ancillary mats.

Are make-goods issued when bugs like this occur?

  • Nope. This bug is a older one and nobidy i know that has been affected got a make good. CG be like "git gud"
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    They are investigating

    if you do get any make good or not — you’ll know when the investigation is over