Forum Discussion

floppytechie01's avatar
8 years ago

Make Plo Koon great again!!

Plo koon is a very powerful jedi in the comics, one of the few that can use the sith power Force lightning without succumbing to hate or anger.

In this game though...... he is probably the second last jedi i would consider farming, after jedi guardian. I mean even kit fisto has better abilities and the only reason i own plo in this game is because i got lucky with a bronzium pull. I mean seriously, anti stealth.... with piddly damage...

So i think they should rework him to have more damage, his mastery with lightsaber should give some counter chance and his knowledge of the force should provide buffs, probably speed and tenacity up. Also some clone synergies, as he was a respected general in the GAR

And for God's sake, CHANGE THE BLOODY ANIMATION OF FORCE JUDGEMENT!! Ea got the name right, but it's supposed to be effing green FORCE LIGHTNING COMING OUT OF HIS FINGERS, not some weird flash of light that the enemies don't even feel.

What do you guys think?