5 years ago
Mandalorian GC
Why do we have a GC that's entirely gated on new, paywalled characters? The only usable leader for a full mandalorian squad is the armorer, who is pay to play. Aside from that, all the other mandalor...
"Legend91;c-2222738" wrote:"Konju;c-2222727" wrote:"Legend91;c-2222701" wrote:"Ravens1113;c-2222690" wrote:"Phoenixeon;c-2222669" wrote:"Ravens1113;c-2222612" wrote:"Phoenixeon;c-2222607" wrote:"Ravens1113;c-2222519" wrote:"Gouj4;c-2222516" wrote:"Ravens1113;c-2222511" wrote:"Gouj4;c-2222495" wrote:"Ravens1113;c-2222492" wrote:"MikKro;c-2222369" wrote:
Battle/crits: CLS
Clan buff:
Agreed. Any variation of this works. Cleared enough for T6 crate. Don’t have BMando and the rest of the faction is garbage on their own. Not trying to even get T7 rewards as that’s locked behind this GC’s paywall
Quite a few people have stated that they’ve done T7 with 3* Armorer and a good OG mandalorian so not much of a paywall really
So does that take away what I said that the faction on its own is trash? Armorer works more as a cover all and outside of Bamando don’t do much. But sure...keep overlooking what I said.
No and I never said anything about the faction not being good. I agree with you it’s not but you said the T7 crate was locked behind a paywall and plenty of people have proven it’s not so now you’re just overlooking your own point
People have said they did it with BMando and the Armorer. Or the Mandalorian relic’d. Relics are a big choke point in gear economy. A G12 Mando on their own with a G11 Armorer (who need kyro’s, guns and carbs to even get there) and a zeta is also key. So unless you have relic’ed OGMando or great RNG, you need to pay to get those toons up to snuff.
" I dont want to spent resources on mandalorians and call their event paywall."
Hmmm nice try.
Also it’s “spend”, as in “spend more time spellchecking before you try and burn someone.”
By your logic, GC that require any faction other than scoundrel is paywall for me.
No a proper comparison would be requiring tuskens with a brand new journey hero character that F2P are just starting to now unlock. I’ll let you work the rest of the similarities out for yourself :)
I didn't know that BH (which have been in the game for an eternity and they're known to be able to counter a variety of top teams like JKR, DR, GG or Padme if modded and geared propperly) are comparable to the completely useless Tuskens.
And no, BAM is still not required at all.
Now, I can't test the minimum requirements for the GC as I can't downgrade my chars but I assume it's even possible with a g12 Mando (modded for survivability), a 3* g9-10 Armorer modded for high protection (my g11 sits at 100k which feels like overkill as she has no problem at all tanking IG11s AoE, hell if it's really close and the Armorer keeps dying to the AoE you just need to wait for the right RNG and IG uses his basic instead of the AoE), a g11-12 Jango (survivability to be able to tank a view hits), and a g9-10 Canderous or Sabine (just needs to survive a counter attack to give Armorer the 3rd ingot).
People have shown it's possible to do, just admit that you were wrong about this GC being pay- or gearwalled.
Did you complete T7 with this low gear comp? I’m just curious.
No, those are the gear levels that I think would be sufficient to do the job based on my own doing in the GC.
My team was Mando R4, Jango R4, 3* Armorer G11, Canderous and Sabine G11.